Gaming Goals for Winter Break

Exams are finally over for me, as of today, and I thought I'd post an excerpt from my personal blog about which games I'm excited to play over break.

-Complete everything I've been wanting to in Oblivion. (Mainly the mages guild quests/finish theives guild) because I know as soon as I start Fallout 3, oblivion will no longer be my massive RPG of choice.

-Finish Half LIfe 2, Half Life 2: Episode 1 and 2 on Orange Box. Possibly play through Portal again.

-Finish Be A Pro Season on NHL 09

-Play through Bring Down the Sky DLC for Mass Effect, possibly start another play through to get some more achievements, thats a big maybe though, that would be my third play-through.

-Purchase and play through Braid, I played through the demo the other night and absolutely fell in love with it.

-Play lots of L4D online, and finish Blood Harvest w/ Jordan and Bud.

-Games I want to start:
-Devil May Cry 4
-Gears of War 2
-Bioshock (i know, it's embarrassing)

What about you guys? What does your winter gaming list look like?

Matt (MWG)


  1. right now, finishing Mirror's Edge. Gears 2 was a let down, so try not to get your hopes up. Then Dead Space, and maybe Fallout 3.

  2. Hey cool site dude. Thanks for commenting on my blog btw. Just returning the favor! :D

  3. Oh and BTW, I'll follow your blog if you follow mine. My email is on my site.

  4. I'm not certain whether "What about you guys" appeals to the general audience of this blog or your buddies, but I'll discuss anyway :P

    My goals are to hit level 80 in WoW. With exams and all, I couldn't get past level 74. Besides that, I've got the last chapter of Left 4 Dead (Blood Harvest) to beat on expert. The farmhouse finale is a bitch...fucking Boomers....

    I'm gonna do my best to unlock the last characters in MK vs. DC and probably take a stab at finishing my second go at Fallout 3 (I'm playing as a smooth-talking, high charisma, low strength chick this time around).

    Finally, I'm gonna download Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix and smoke some unsuspecting challengers on XBL.

  5. All the posts will definitely be open to feedback, guys. Don't hesitate to share. Good luck with hitting 80, Wintermute. I'll be playing alot of L4D too. Send an invite on XBL if you ever want to play a game. Gamertag=brooksee.

    Matt (MWG)

  6. I play L4D on PC, not 360. I'll shoot over an invite on XBL once I get the chance.

    Do you have MSN by the way? Mine is ""

  7. sorry, no MSN. do you have Google Talk or AIM?

  8. Hideo is me by the way. Yah, I only have MSN. We should chill sometime. Maybe if my podcast doesn't work out, I could join you on yours?


  9. I'm getting Fallout 3 for Christmas and I'm gonna play that. I've purchased Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix recently and fell in addiction. Plus my brother gets his PS3 with Resistance 2 this christmas so there is lots of games to play. I should work for my studies as well...
    Thanks for following my blog. I'll follow your's now as well!
