The Death of Midwest Gamer Podcast
Check out our new project, system link.
Hey everyone,
I know this is kind of all of the sudden, but we've decided to quit doing the podcast. It's a shame to see this whole thing come to a close, but it was awesome while it lasted. Alot of different things factored in to our decision. One reason being the likelihood of me having to quit anyways come autumn when I start my senior thesis thing. It's also just kind of difficult to handle this beast we've created with only a few people.
I wanted to take a moment to thank all the people who supported us or helped us out these past few months. It's been alot of fun, so thank you guys. We couldn't have done it at all without your encouragement and help.
Special thanks to:
All the GGTL guys: Matt, Linford, James.
Chase Koeneke
Shinfo Ryan
Micheal Schultz
Personal Gaming
The Greedy Gamer
All the cool peeps at JTV: Tof, Volkoor, Candyman, Pan1c, Fan111, Sneeeeak, Grim_dude, Reptilia, PewPew, Jakkdaniels
And of course Travis and Bud for all their work and radness.
I'm starting a new project that's a little scaled back compared to MWG and focuses on writing instead of podcasting/broadcasting. Check it out here, and let me know if you're interested in helping me out. I'd love to have some people to help me get it going and anyone's welcome.
Thanks again everyone for listening, I've met alot of really awesome people through MWG. Please stay in touch.
Matt (MWG)
Midwest Gamer Podcast Episode 12 - "The E3 Show"

Hey guys,
Episode 12 is up. Download here or on itunes. Enjoy!
Show Notes:
XBL Improvements
Crackdown 2
Shadow Complex
Halo ODST/Halo:Reach
Super Mario Brothers Wii
Golden Sun DS
Metroid: Other M
Now Playing
Bionic Commando: Rearmed
Twilight Princess
Looking Forward
Red Faction: Guerrilla
Misc. stuff
Crackdown 2 Trailer
Crackdown 2 is lookin' tasty. I like the subtle art style adjustments. Looks a tad bit more realistic, but still has that outlined/graphic look. I've been meaning to add Crackdown to my list of "must-play-before-sequel-comes-out" games.
Matt (MWG)
L4D2: Now with chainsaws.
Don't get me wrong, I'm excited for L4D2. This means I can just hold off buying another copy of L4D while I wait for the sequel. But I was really just expecting Valve to put out some more DLC for the original. L4D2 looks like more good old zombie killing action. I guess it's not really a zombie game til you throw in the old chainsaw. Anyone think the graphic's look a little more Team Fortress-ish? This could be good news for gamers with weaker internet connections.
Matt (MWG)
Travis's Top 5 Games at E3
1. God of War 3
I'm a huge fan of the God of War series and just imagining God of War on the PS3 just screams all sorts of awesome. Everybody is saying that its coming out this year but I'm really having my doubts. I would really like to see it but with a game like God of War, I wouldn't like to see it as a rushed product. This game is going to be epic.
2. Trico Project
Ashamed as I am to say it, I still have yet to play Ico or Shadow of the Colossus. The times when both games were released I didn't have a PS2 to play them on and I guess I just never got around to playing them. Iknow... Its pretty lame. I did play demos of both games and loved them but just never got around to playing the full versions. Either way the Trico Project looked amazing to me and now knowing that footage was from a year ago, I can only imagine what it looks like now. Now I just hope Sony doesn't hold this one off till TGS.....
3. Mass Effect 2
Now I loved the first Mass Effect. I can't emphasize how much I appreciated everything about it. Bioware did such a fantastic job of the first game that I cannot wait to hear what is store for Commander Sheppard. If Bioware can deliver, everything that the first game did, then Mass Effect 2 is easily going to be my game of the year.
4. Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Well, here's another FPS on my top 5 list. I just can't seem to get enough of them it seems. Last year Bad Company was probably one of the games that I played the most online. I was so fond of the multiplayer that I never even touched the single player and I hear that Dice actually did a great job with it. Maybe I will get around to it someday but as like the first Bad Company, the multiplayer is what I am really looking forward to.
5. Modern Warfare 2
Now, despite the name change, Modern Warfare 2 is easily one of top games I'm looking forward to this year. Though I'm not majorly excited for the single player, the multiplayer is what I really want in a COD game. While there isn't much out there about it yet, I'm sure Infinity Ward is going to deliver on all fronts on this iteration of the franchise.
Well, there you have it. As far as I know from which titles are already announced at E3, that's my top 5. There are sooooo many more titles that are on my radar but I would be here all day if I were to list them all. Most of what I am really looking forward to is what Sony has to bring to the table. Now that the PSP Go! is leaked, what else do they have to bring to the show? Its definitely going to be interesting. Let the show begin!
Travis (MWG)
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