Afro Samurai is......pretty awesome?

Is it weird that I actually enjoyed the Afro Samurai demo? I've heard so many negative things about the game, so I thought maybe the visuals and soundtrack were masking a horrible piece of garbage beneath. But, no, as surprising as it may sound, I really enjoyed both the dialogue and combat as well. The combat doesn't seem to incredibly deep, but I found that the focus option created quite a bit of variety, and slashing dudes in half in this game doesn't seem to get old. The camera is a bit of an issue, but if you leave it alone it's really not a problem at all. I haven't seen the Afro Samurai anime, but I love Samurai Champloo, which is kind of within the same vein as far as style and setting go. Afro Samurai is probably not something I will buy, but I'm looking forward to renting and playing through it on a free weekend.

What do you guys think of the demo/game?

Matt (MWG)


  1. Maybe not so weird? I've had some friends say they enjoyed it, too.

  2. awesome. glad i'm not the only one. Have you played it yet, Bad Fish?

  3. No I have not but as it looks promising, I was thinking of putting it on my to-do list. Maybe not at full price though. (That's ok--gives me time to catch up on the anime first.) As I live in the greater Seattle area, sometimes I find limited release or "employee copy only do not resell" crap at the local Gamestops...I should see if any soulless code monkeys give up a copy for cheap in the near future.

  4. I haven't got to play this yet. I also heard that its pretty good too if you can dismiss some of its faults. I've never seen the anime either and I heard that theirs like no story in the game. I'm not sure if I want to watch the anime first before I play it or not. Also, theirs a demo out?

  5. Yeah, check out the demo, and let me know what you think. It went up on xbla a couple days ago.

    Matt (MWG)

  6. Lmao....goes to show what I know. I guess I will have to make some time for my 360 in the morning. :)


  7. Oooh XBLA demo? *mad dash*
