So, Mypodcast.com is still down, but I've secured some super secret webspace to upload Episode 6. Go here to stream or download the episode. In addition to this, I will post the episode on Mypodcast as soon as I'm able to. There's a bit of an audio issue for the first 10 or 15 minutes of the show, but it's not too terrible. Make sure to continue listening, I think this is one of our best shows yet. Enjoy! Don't forget to Subscribe to us on Itunes and join the forums. And now check out our live broadcasts on Justin.tv!
Show Notes
News - RE: Code Veronica Remake Rumors, Behemoth's New Project, Ninja Blade Demo, RE5 Competitive Multiplayer Modes
Now Playing - Bioshock, Tomb Raider Anniversary, Groov, Street Fighter 2 HD Remix, Halo 3 Mythic Maps, Megaman X
Looking Forward To - Resident Evil 5!
Matt (MWG)
i got a recognition when you guys talked about Re5, lol thanks