Matt's First Video Post - "What's your gaming setup like?"

So in an effort to make up for the lack of content this Friday. I decided to make my first video blog. Check it out and respond if you get a chance. I apologize for crappy quality. I recorded it with my cybershot and the quality is terrible. I'll make a higher resolution vid next time.

Matt (MWG)


  1. LoL, I love the music. I never thought about using my Cybershot for making the video.... its too bad the screen is cracked I'll think of something...Great video though!


  2. lol. thanks travis. The music is off the World of Goo soundtrack.

    Matt (MWG)

  3. That couch is not as comfortable as it may look. Ive had many cases of numb butt from that piece of furniture. Awesome vid though, i need to get ahold of a camera too showcase my setup....


    P.S. im totally loving that we are the only ones commenting on our own blog.....

  4. haha. i know. It's sad, but also awesome.

    Matt (MWG)
